Wednesday, October 12, 2005


The other night it was pouring rain and I sat in Starbucks, sipped on my pumpkin spice latte and read Robert Rosenberg's "This is Not Civilization." It's a great book that I'm able to relate to after my Peace Corps service in Kyrgyzstan. I'm able to escape back to the world I love and miss with every turn of a page. I'm surprised by how much Kyrgyz I remember and it makes me happy knowing that I will be leaving for another adventure soon. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. As I was listening to my iPod and singing silently to Galileo, I overheard a homeless man get in a fight over a dollar. This was after the homeless man told me that I was, deeper than just the surface and free, or very soon will be. I wonder what that means, exactly. I wonder what that means to the homeless man, who's quality of life is so dependant on the availability of a one dollar bill. It's another dismal day and I have to get back to work. I love these morning moments when it feels like I'm the only one breathing in the world and anything could happen. Maybe today I will be free.


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